Englandsprachreise 2019: Rückblick
Vom 13.10.19 bis 19.10.19 fand bereits zum fünften Mal unsere beliebte Südenglandsprachreise statt. 39 Schülerinnen und Schüler nahmen daran teil und wurden von den Lehrkräften Frau Müller, Frau Welsch und Herrn Sauer begleitet. Dieses Schuljahr gab es eine Neuerung. 11 Jugendliche aus der Lerngruppe 10d (E-Kurs) belegten in England einen Intensivsprachkurs an unserer Cavendish School of English zur Vorbereitung auf die gymnasiale Oberstufe. Viele dieser älteren Jugendlichen fuhren bereits zum zweiten Mal mit Panke nach England, da ihnen unsere Fahrt vor zwei Jahren so sehr gefallen hatte.
Die Gruppe hielt ihre Erinnerungen in englischen Berichten fest:
Monday, 14/10/19
First we went to our bus stop at 8:30 a.m. Our bus driver Sascha took us to Bournemouth to visit the beach and the city. Next to the beach there is a little park with squirrels where you can go through to get in the city of Bournemouth. In this park you can feed the squirrels with acorns or peanuts and they climb on you. After this we went to Cavendish School of English and had four lessons. When the school ended, our bus driver picked us up and took us to Sandbanks Beach. Then we had free time. At 7 p.m. we went to our host family.
(Lucie and Melissa)

Tuesday, 15/10/19
On Tuesday we were collected near our host families' houses at 7:30 a.m. Our bus driver gave us a ride to Cavendish School where we had two lessons. At 9:45 a.m. Sascha drove us to the harbor and we made a boat trip to Swanage passing the Old Harry Rocks - the view was beautiful. Then we went on the railway to Corfe Castle from where our bus driver returned us to our host families at 4:00 p.m.
After we had eaten our dinner, we were collected by the bus which was decorated with chains of lights and we could listen to cool party music. We rode to school again for a karaoke evening at 7:00 p.m., the funniest thing was that our teachers also sang a song. At 9:30 p.m. we left the venue and rode back to our host families' houses.
(Jonathan and Lucas)

Wednesday, 16/10/19
On Wednesday we went to London. The drive took approximately one and a half hours. After having arrived in London most of us went on the London Eye and enjoyed the spectacular view of the city from above. Then we went on a tour with our guide named Lorraine, she showed us many famous sights in London. She also took us to the places we wanted to go to and told us in detail everything she knew about these places of interest. It was amazing and she was very kind and polite. After that we had two hours of free time. We went to many different shops and also visited Chinatown. There were so many Asian restaurants and the food was quite good. The sellers were very kind and answered every question for us. We learned much about the buildings and places in London and had a very good time. All in all the excursion to London was one of the best trips we had during our stay in England.
(Jilliana and Viviane)

Thursday, 17/10/19
On Thursday our bus collected us at 8:30 a.m. Our first stop was Portland. We walked to the top of a little mountain and looked down at the ocean and the village. The view from there was very beautiful. The ocean seemed to be endless. After half an hour we drove on. The next stop was at Portland Head Light, a historic lighthouse which is the oldest lighthouse in Maine. You could go near the cliffs and watch the very high waves. From there we took many nice pictures. Our next destination was Chesil Beach. We walked over a stone beach and then we could see the ocean. It was a long way, but it was worth it. Our guide David told is that if we found a stone with a hole in the middle (a so-called hag stone), it would bring good luck and we could keep it. We were lucky and found one.
Later in the seaside town Weymouth we were hungry and our teachers asked our group if we wanted free fish and chips, they paid for it. Then we had some free time in Weymouth.
Our last stop was Durdle Door. We walked to a viewpoint from where we were able to look at Durdle Door. Pirates of the Caribbean had been filmed there. It was a very windy afternoon and it started to rain a little bit. Nevertheless a part of our group wanted to go all the way down to Durdle Door in order to enjoy the amazing view and take photos - they were lucky, the sun came out again. Finally we all hiked to Lulworth Cove where our bus was waiting for us. Last but not least we drove home and had a free evening.
(Jana and Laura)

Friday, 18/10/19
On Friday morning our host family drove us to the meeting point at which we had arrived on Sunday evening. Then our bus driver Sascha took us to Cavendish School in which we stayed for five lessons. We did some presentations and worked on our free speech. As Sascha had to rest for some time before he could take us back to Germany, we had free time in the town centre of Bournemouth. Our group went to a "build a bear workshop" which we had discovered on Monday because one member of our group wanted a cute little teddy. Then we split up for an hour, because some of us were interested in going to the cat café and the others preferred buying some food and sweets for the trip back home.
(Ilja, Philipp, Vincent)

Annette Müller im Namen des Lehrerreiseteams, im Dezember 2019