England - wir kommen!
Nach zwei Coronajahren war es endlich wieder so weit.
Unsere beliebte Englandsprachreise konnte zur Freude aller erneut stattfinden.
Vom 26.06.-02.07.2022 unternahmen die Lerngruppen 8 und 9 mit ihren Lehrkräften Frau Müller, Frau Welsch und Herrn Hilker eine wunderschöne Fahrt nach Bournemouth. Sowohl Sprachunterricht als auch Ausflüge, z.B. nach London und an die Südküste, standen auf dem Programm. Die Jugendlichen konnten in den Gastfamilien ihre Englischkenntnisse verbessern und gewannen das Land und die Leute lieb, was die folgenden Berichte zeigen.
Viele möchten im nächsten Schuljahr wieder mitreisen und erzählen begeistert.
Hier einige Spotlights:
- "We have learned a lot. For example, to speak English with English people."
- "Our host family was very kind and lovely."
- "Our favourite activity was the trip to the south coast, which was beautiful."
- "We can only recommend this language trip, because it was just such a wonderful experience."
(Amélie, Anna-Lena, Sara, Sina: 8a)
...und die ausführlichen Reiseberichte...
Zum Lesen bitte einfach auf die Wochentage klicken. Viel Vergnügen bei der Lektüre!
Monday, 27th June 2022
First official day in England!
Since our group arrived in the late evening of Sunday, we didn't have time to see the centre of Bournemouth. So on Monday, we were picked up at 8:30 am to visit the beautiful city of Bournemouth with a sandy beach.
During our free time our friends and us went to an arcade to play fun games and to lose our money :). After that we got some slushies that tasted like soap. Moreover, we visited a small ferris wheel where we took some fabulous pictures of the view. The ride was really fun!
At 12:30 pm all the students got collected from our meeting point by our cool, relaxed and funny bus driver whose name is Sascha. At 1:10 pm we had our first school lessons, which were mostly fun. We got divided into groups with different English skills. After four lessons of improving our English, school ended at 4:05 pm. Our bus driver picked us up and took us all to Sandbanks Beach.
The weather was sunny, but not too warm.
At Sandbanks Beach we went to a playground with two friends of ours and had a lot of fun! We actually wanted to eat something at the beach, but every place we looked up was closed. So, we walked back to our bus and paid Sascha for four instant soups! He´s really generous and only wanted a little amount of money.
In the evening, the bus dropped everybody off at the bus stops near their host families.
Lastly, we ate some dinner, called our parents and then went to bed. We fell asleep very quickly since we were all tired from walking the whole day.
(Lisa, Paulina: 9a)

Tuesday, 28th June 2022
In the morning our group (Bastian, Luca, Markus, Maximilian) got up at 5:30 am to get dressed and have breakfast with the host family. After breakfast we were given our packed lunches. Then we were picked up by Sascha at the bus stop. We were driven to school and picked up our guide Richard. We arrived in London after one and a half hours. Then, we got two and a half hours of free time. After that, our guide took us through London. We saw Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the London Eye. We went onto the London Eye and enjoyed the wonderful view. After this beautiful day we were driven back home by Sascha.
(Luca, Bastian Z.: 9a)

Wednesday, 29th June 2022
On the third day we all had three lessons at Cavendish School. After that, at 11:30 am, we went to Swanage by boat. On the way there we could see the harbour in Poole and the beautiful "Old Harry Rocks". The boat ride took us 45 minutes and we were able to see the rocks very closely.
In Swanage, we had 30 minutes of free time. As most of us were hungry, we went for a little walk and got something to eat. There were also a lot of small gift shops.
Then, we all took an old steam railway to Corfe Castle. Next to it there was a war cemetery. We had some free time in the old town nearby which had little cute shops.
Finally, Sascha took us all back to Bournemouth at 6 pm where we had some spare time to go shopping or to visit the coast with our friends.
After that long and amazing day Sascha drove us back home safely.
The day was really exciting and we all enjoyed it!
(Mia, Lani: 9a)
On Wednesday at 8:05 am we went to Cavendish School where we had three lessons. After school we made a boat trip to the Old Harry Rocks and Swanage. In Swanage we had a bit of free time. Then, we took the steam railway to Corfe Castle. In the small village we bought some homemade bread and sweets. At 6:00 pm, we had a free evening in Bournemouth until 8 pm.
(Fynn, Gabriel, Marc, Noel: 8a)

Thursday, 30th June 2022
On Thursday at 8:00 am the bus picked us up at the bus stop near our host families. A full day trip to Portland, Weymouth, Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove were planned for that day along with a karaoke night. Our tour guide, Richard, told us many interesting and funny stories about the individual places.
After that there was the karaoke evening at Cavendish School. It began at 5:30 pm and our tour guide started to sing. Then, the students sang. It was very funny. At 7:00 pm we had to leave the venue again.
On the way to our bus stop, Sascha turned on the party lights in the bus for the first time. The party bus was fantastic: Everybody was singing songs on the bus and some students were even dancing!
At the end of the day, we ate dinner with our host families.
(Markus, Maximilian: 9a)
At 8 am we started the bus tour to the south coast.
Sascha drove us to Portland Island and our bus stopped at Portland hill. There we took group pictures at the Olympic Rings (a stone sculpture which was created to celebrate the London 2012 Summer Olympics).
The second stop of our tour was Chesil Beach. Our guide, Richard, said:
"You're not allowed to go closer than five metres to the water because some people died here." The beach consisted only of pebble stones. My group and I collected some pebble stones as a memory.
After that we continued our trip to Weymouth, a small coastal town. Richard took us to the best fish and chips shop of the south coast of England.
The next highlight was Durdle Door. We could see the place where "Pirates of the Caribbean" (Fluch der Karibik) had been filmed. From there we walked to Lulworth Cove.
Finally, we had a karaoke evening at Cavendish School. Our guide, Richard, was the DJ of the show. Our teachers, Ms Müller, Ms Welsch and Mr Hilker, sang very good songs. It was very, very nice.
(Emely, Julia, Lena, Viktoria: 8a)

Friday, 1st July 2022
On our last day in England we had to get up at 6:00 am and meet up at the bus at 7:30 am to put our suitcases in the bus.
After doing that we had to walk about two minutes to school and had five lessons where we learned about crime and had to write a text about it, which was really fascinating. We were there for about four hours and then walked to our meeting place in Bournemouth.
From then on, we had three hours of free time to go shopping in some very interesting stores or to have lunch at a restaurant. The sea and the beach looked so beautiful.
After having free time, we met at 4:20 pm and walked back to school where we waited for our bus driver to arrive. At about 5:00 pm we took off for our journey home. We drove for about 3-4 hours and then had to get off the bus and on a ferry that took us back to France. Back on the bus, we drove four and a half hours where most of the students slept. However, since some students had to brush their teeth and go to the toilet, we had a 40-minute-break at a gas station After finishing our break, the bus driver drove us back to school where our parents picked us up. Finally, we went back home after a long but wonderful and exciting trip to England.
(Amelie, Liv, Michelle, Moritz: 9a)